sábado, 31 de janeiro de 2015

Indentifications UNID and Presumed

6600 khz  YL Locutora em comentarios , .
 clandestine station "Voice of the People" from South Korea  6600 khz Indentification by Sederjaer ,
name radio and Glenn Hauser frequency  Thanks 73s Dexista 
PT 9008 SWL Antena long wire 10 metros T por 20 M. de largura. 35222  foi as  21;11 utc de 28/01 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEHfTKWLGEc

 3915 khz BBC World Service in English from Kranji, Singapore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-7ZOx8D6vM
Indentification by senderjaeger , thanks you veri mach ===3915 khz 28/01 21;55 utc mais presizamente 3914 khz  locutora  YL Depois OM mais no final 35222 longwire T 10 - 20 M. Dexista PT 9008 SWL http://dxbrazilsw.blogspot.com/

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