** GUYANA. Hi Glenn, I have the Voice of Guyana on the air at, don't laugh, 400 watts. 3.290 MHz is the freq. I am going to repair a few more amplifiers and get them up to about a kilowatt for now. Have to reconfigure the combiner though. The antenna is in rough shape, but surprisingly being heard well down into interior Guyana, which is the main purpose. (On a portable no less!!) I'll keep you posted on how it's going. It's 80 degrees and very "tropical" here now. Best Regards (Jamie Labadia, visiting Guyana, 0147 UT Feb 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Checking around 0300 UT Feb 2, I do have a JBA carrier on 3290 - could be it. Will it be on all-night? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Likely Guyana on 3289.973 at 0333 UT tune-in playing Indian Love Call by The Browns. More non-stop US easy pop music, Nat King Cole at 0346, Brandy at 0350. Nice S5-S6 signal for 400 watts. Deep voiced male announcer with time check at 0356, mentioning farewell until next time and finishing with Goodbye To Love by the Carpenters. Audio switched to BBC feed at 0359. 73,
(Brandon Jordan, WA4230SWL
Fayette County, TN EM55gc
WinRadio G33DDC G313-e | RFSpace SDR-IQ NetSDR | Elad FDM-S2 | Icom R75 IC-7200
Array Solutions AS-SAL-30 Shared Apex Loop
DX Engineering NCC-1 Phased ARAV3 Verticals
I'm getting a carrier just below 3290 kHz at 0455-0508, averaging about 15 db above the noise in Seattle. Little if any audio at this point (Bruce Portzer, WA, UT Feb 2, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
On Mon, 2/2/15, Daniel Wyllyans <danielnx18@gmail.com> wrote:
Subject: [HCDX] 3290 khz UNID Reception Anyone know ? alguem sabe?
Date: Monday, February 2, 2015, 4:34 AM
UNID Reception Anyone know ? alguem
sabe? A alguns dias venho monitorando
com o meu novo recptor ,hoje consegui melhor sinal as 02;55
utc passando
musicas, seria NBC ? Ou Voice of Guyana reativada ? Obrigado
se puderem
indentificar. Dexista PT 9008 SWL se quiser via email e danielnx18@gmail.com
3289.975 V.O. Guyana Hrd in amidst of the UTE here, first noted at 0118. MOR W vclist at 0331 recheck. Quite readable at 0336, and at 0337 w/Johnny Mathis-like song, and another at 0346-0348. Then "Last Date" by Floyd Cramer, cutoff, and into a diff. song. 0357 started "Last Date" again and deep-voiced M anncr sounding like a Caribbean accent. 0328 "Goodbye to Love" by the Carpenters then W anncr at 0359 (probably the pre-ToH BBC promo), 0400 time ticks and BBC nx //9460. Came back later when the electricity was out due to an ice storm and found the freq clear of the UTE and W in EG w/rel. pgm at 0804. Hindi mx at 0815 recheck then tried to air a rel. pgm but the audio was cutting out badly. 0829 deep-voiced M came on w/ID and apologized, then choral NA at 0830. 0831 different M anncr briefly and then what appeared to be the Koran. Into a Pop mx pgm w/M DJ host. Fading by 0840. Nice ID at 0848. Nice to have them back on SW. (2 Feb.)
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