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Jesus at work in Ayacucho
"And seeing the multitudes, Jesus had compassion for them, because they were distressed and downcast like sheep without a shepherd. Then he told his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest." Matthew 9: 36 to 38.
Thanks for praying for Roxana and her husband Eberzon and the disciples whom they have trained. They really have the heart of Christ Jesus. Please Keep Praying!
Al Shannon.
Thank you for praying!
Thank you for caring!
Thank you for sharing!
Glenn and Wife Linda.
From: Roxana Espinoza
Greetings to all of you who support us and this ministry in prayer. May the Lord bless you as you hear what God has been doing here in Ayacucho.
One afternoon as I was walking down the road I came across three women sitting there visiting. I told them I had some good news for them about Jesus. While we talked, I took out my photo frame unit and showed them the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord. One of the mothers, Aurelia Gutierrez, said afterwards, "That's just what I needed to hear." She said, "Pray for me", and dropped to her knees. As I laid my hands on her head, she confessed her sin and her need of Jesus. It was as if we were alone with the Lord and no one was there on the street. When she gave herself to the Lord she said she wanted to serve him the rest of her life. Now this lady is radiant and shares Jesus with her neighbors and goes to a good church nearby.
One day I was going from door to door, knocking on each one, but no one seemed to be home and I was getting discouraged. It was like the Lord had waited and wanted me to get to this last home before dark. A lady called Edith opened the door and invited me in along with her husband Freddy and their children. I talked with them about Jesus and God's love for them and showed them parts of the Luke video. Then I asked them what they thought about Jesus.
The father said that no one had ever told him about Jesus and he wanted Christ to save him and forgive him. He called all his family around him and said, I'm the father of this family and head of this home and he prayed for himself and all his family. Everyone with tears in their eyes prayed the same and all invited Jesus to be Lord of their lives. Now they come to our church and we worship the Lord Jesus together.
Let me share with you some experiences of two ladies I trained in Bible promotion. They are Haydee and Roberta:
One afternoon they came to the home of Julia Allca whose son had been attacked at night by someone with a knife and was badly hurt. Julia didn't believe in God but after seeing the video she cried and cried and both she and her son prayed with us to receive Christ. They also asked the Lord to heal her son and restore his health. They also prayed for her husband who was an unbeliever.
Later on they visited another home of Justina Cusi who was a widow and wanted all her children to see the video of Jesus. At the end, Justina cried and cried and asked the Lord to save her and take her to heaven to be with Him and Father God. We prayed with her because she still had a lot of bitterness against her husband who had left her and the children. Now that she had confessed this, the Lord healed her and comforted her.
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