domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015


Photo:  Universal Radio 

2485  Australia,  VL8K Katherine NT 1100 to 1113 om chat at threshold level.... improving signal in the local morning. 27 August (Wilkner)

3289.9  Guyana, GBC -Voice of Guyana  0950 om under thunderstorms  with fade out by 1025. 27 August -- 0955 music .... unidentified song to 1009 on 28 August (Wilkner)

3310 Bolivia, Radio  Mosoj Chaski,  Cochabamba  0950 to 1010 brief music with om chat in Q.  27 August-- 1000 to 1012 yl chat under thunderstorms on 29 August (Wilkner)

4699.9  Bolivia,  Radio San Miguel, Riberalta  0952 to 1013 weak signal  with om chat in Spanish 27 August (Wilkner)

4747.44  Perú, Radio  Huanta 2000 Huanta Ayacucho with pgm  in Spanish noted from 1040 to 1050,  seems to sign on later than other OAs?   28 August (Wilkner)

4765  Cuba,  Radio Progresso   0110  to 0124 with music and commentary in SP… heard  the following MW  parallels
810 mixing with ZNS preacher
890 in the clear strong signal
900 mixing with unidentified US station .  27 August (Wilkner)

4805 Brasil, Radio Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus  1000 to 1020.  Back on the air with stronger signal than before with om chat  in Portuguese  27 August;  same at 1000 to 1018 on 28 August (Wilkner)

4810 Perú,  Radio Logos,  Chazuta, Tarapoto 0950 to 1010  beautiful flauta music from Peru, strong signal best in lsb 27 August (Wilkner)

4875.1  Brasil, Rdif Roraima, Boa Vista RR 1000 to 1020 strong signal with rapid  om chat in Portuguese 29 August (Wilkner)

4985 Unidentified - with Brasil,  Radio  Brasil Central reported elsewhere -  1000 to 1010 carrier present with rtty silent 29 August (Wilkner)

4985.5 Perú,  Radio  Voz Cristiana, Huancayo 1030 noted preacher in Spanish, signal fading out, on 28 August (Wilkner)
Bob Wilkner - Pompano Beach, Florida

Drake R8, NRD 525, Icom 746Pro  long wire antennas

Best 73s from Pompano Beach.

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